For what seems like an eternity, I have been very busy filmmaking for Tees Valley Arts.

It is another really hot day, and here I am again, working indoors editing.
I was contracted to shoot and edit a set of 3 films for the awfully nice team at TVA; Rowena, Peter, Miki and Maurice. This wonderful group of dedicated people work very hard bringing amazing artistic projects to people, who are often in very challenging situations and who can benefit greatly from working with other people with similar artistic interests and talents. These people get to work alongside professional artists. Net result: they meet and make friends with like-minded people they would otherwise be unlikely to meet. They gain skills, increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. And so often they become better able to make positive decisions about their futures.
Some of these people have come to the Tees Valley after escaping wars, as refugees, but others are locals with all sorts of difficult life situations. Some have to learn English and many have to learn about our society and the place where they now live.
And being involved in the TVA projects helps with all of these things. Many then choose to go on to college or university to study all sorts of subjects, not just arts.
So, TVA needs some films to explain what the charity does, how important their work is for so many of those living in the area, and how they benefit in so many ways from the arts projects provided. Finally, they need to explain how all this helps the area as a whole.
TVA has a vast archive of photographs of projects and events they organised and put-on over more than 10 years, so this is a treasure trove of a resource and I am using many of these assets in the films. I have structured these films around nicely shot interviews, with photos and some video as cutaways/B roll.
New Camera
I am using my new Sony FS7 camera to shoot these films. This camera is superb and I love the quality of the pictures it produces and the artistic control it affords.
Project Evolution
The project has evolved and so it is taking rather longer than I expected. However, I am very pleased that I am able to help in this way. It has been fascinating to see what this charity does and how important and effective it is.
I love the arts and I love the Tees Valley. So this is proving to be a wonderful project for a wonderful cause and I hope the films will help Tees Valley Arts for many years to come so they can, in turn, help lots and lots more people.
I am a creative Photographer and Filmmaker. I also work as a Lighting Cameraman & Director of Photography, in television, film and digital media.