Ian McCann

The Last 3 Show Photographs

And here are the final 3 show photographs.

Mercedes Benz 280 SL with a virtual rig treatment to convey a sense of motion.

Peugeot 205 GTi Mi16 looking fantastic in magic hour light, on the North Yorkshire Moors.

Porsche 996 Carrera 2, looking magnificent at Croft Autodrome.

I have just returned from the show, it was exhausting, and it is now after 2 am. So, I will keep this posting very short.

It feels like we had a good show. Lots of positive things were said and interest shown. But more, we made contacts and learned about other opportunities to improve the profile of the service. I am looking forward to getting to work on some new assignments and to arranging to do more networking events of various kinds.

Hope you like the above.

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